We will record "The Music Of Living" on August 17 in Spiral Studios.
Please learn your assigned part. Please note the markings in the music (S W means Strong / Weak syllable accents). The following students learn S2 (rest are S1 and Alto as assigned): KH, AM, MP, BS, AB.
This is the Sheet Music for The Music of Living
This is a great recording of this song (it is for Men's Choir) -- consider the performance factors.
The Music of Living (Part Specific Recordings)
Sop 1
Sop 2
All Voices
Piano Only
These summer listening / learning assignments will help us
start off singing together.
Please take these assignments seriously and learn as much as you can. You should be singing every day in order to keep your "good voice."
1) Just listen to the file several times (a couple of times each day). Try to pick out your part. Try to match vowels (this should require hard work). 2) Soon I will have pdf documents for each song for you to begin playing parts. MY HEART IS OFFERED STILL TO YOU
Mon cœur se recommande à vous, Tout plein d'ennui et de martyre; Au moins en dépit des jaloux Faites qu'adieu vous puisse dire! Ma bouche qui savait sourire Et conter propos gracieux Ne fait maintenant que maudire Ceux qui m'ont banni de vos yeux. Mon cœur se recommande à vous, Tout plein d'ennui et de martyre; Au moins en dépit des jaloux Faites qu'adieu vous puisse dire! Click here for the pronunciation ![]()
Concert Choir