The Intermediate Musician begins to apply the principles and strategies that were memorized in the first two levels. This is more than rote memory, it is demonstrating how principles and practices apply in our music and increasing your personal musicianship.
You have completed the steps for Jump Start and Beginner, it is time to begin to show how the principles and ideas that you memorized apply to the current music we are studying. For example, one of the Choral Principles is "Prepare for Entrances." It's description is "Think the pitch, form the vowel, and breath through the vowel to make the sound." In order to pass this off, you will pick an entrance from our current music and demonstrate this principle. In addition to these demonstrations, you will further your understanding of music and music notation. As you complete this level, you will be ready to start leadership in the choir. You are on your path to be a master musician. To the student: When you are ready to pass off these requirements, find a member of the choir council to pass off these items. Have the council member sign your book. Next, complete the verification form found here: Beginner Verification Form. After you complete the requirements you will receive your Jump Start Level Award and move to Beginner. To the council member: Please record the pass off in your Power in Progress Leadership Journal. |
The key principle in the Intermediate level is Demonstrate.
Requirements to pass the Intermediate level.
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