Music Sterling Scholar Information![]() Use this information as you prepare to apply to be the next PVHS Music Sterling Scholar. The best information can be found at the website:
According to the Sterling Scholar Website ( Sterling Scholar in Music "For demonstrating outstanding scholarship and achievement in one or more of the areas of music. Exceptional talent in composition, vocal or instrumental music will be considered, but service to school or community through this talent also will be among determining qualifications. Nominees should be prepared to demonstrate their musical talent during a period of two to three minutes by playing an instrument or singing. For information on judging interviews, please see #7 under General Information. (Nominees should not be discouraged if judges interrupt the performance so that they may continue the interview.)" #7 under General Information reads (in part): "7. In addition, it is not practical to provide for special interview circumstances such as unusual musical instruments that are not available in most high schools. For example, if a nominee needs to play an organ or a marimba for their interview demonstration and an organ or a marimba is not available at the judging site, a video tape may accompany the nominee to the interview but advance notice is required." #6 under General Information reads; "6. Exhibits are allowed in all categories for interviews. Nominees will be responsible for transporting exhibits to and from places of judging. Exhibits that cannot be accommodated in portfolios should not be sent to the Deseret News but should be reserved for judging interviews. Remember, upon entering the building, the number of exhibits taken to the interview is limited to what can be carried in the arms of the nominee in one trip without the help of others. (Parents, fellow nominees, etc. ARE NOT ALLOWED to assist in any way.)" CommitmentsBy participating in the school application process, you are committing to participate in the region events as well. Information about constructing a region portfolio are contained on
SEE THE INFORMATION TO THE RIGHT about PERFORMANCE AUDITIONS. Click here to see how your award will apply to the school(s) that you might attend. |
You will be judged in 4 areas (listed below). Each category accounts for 25% of the overall score.
SCHOLARSHIP This includes your GPA, ACT Composite Score, Number of Music Classes Taken, Number of AP and Honors Classes Taken and Class Rank. LEADERSHIP The qualities of leadership in Utah public high schools can be measured in part by the responsibilities placed on a student by his/her teachers and fellow students. However, evidence of positive influence with fellow students also shall be considered an indication of leadership. CITIZENSHIP Each Sterling Scholar nominee should exhibit a record of high standards of citizenship throughout his/her high school years. Service to school, community or other organizations will be considered. The nominee's attitude toward and acceptance of responsibility in contributing roles, as well as seeking out service opportunities, will be especially important. Evidence of a long-term commitment to service will also receive particular attention. PERFORMANCE You will need to have a music performance piece prepared. It should be "classical" or "art song" (similar to the requirements for Solo and Ensemble). You should have an original copy of the music for the judges to consider. You need to have the performance piece prepared by the first week in December. It should be 2 to 3 minutes long. Talk with your accompanist early (if you will be using one). |