Everyone needs a place to begin. The tasks found in the Jump Start Level are intended to help you begin your music journey. Most of them are lists to memorize. During your Beginner Level, you will describe the items found in the Jump Start lists, goals and objectives. Don't worry that it doesn't all make sense right now -- it will down the road. For now just click on the links, create flash cards or whatever helps you memorize these the fastest, and get these into your memory bank as quick as you can.
To the student: When you have memorized these lists, find a member of the choir council to pass off these items. Have the council member sign your book. Next, complete the verification form found here: Jump Start Verification Form. After you complete the requirements you will receive your Jump Start Level Award and move to Beginner. To the council member: Please record the pass off in your Power in Progress Leadership Journal. |
The key principle in the Jump Start level is Memorize.
Requirements to pass the Jump Start level.